With the many sources you have for career searches, you can count on Wilbur Staffing to draw upon our past experiences as programmers, systems analysts, technical managers and sales associates to obtain a thorough understanding of your background, skill set and career goals.As former computer professionals, we stay abreast of new developments in the industry and have access to positions prior to listings on the boards.

As employment specialists, we are perceptive and informed concerning employment and salary trends. Our experience will help in the review of your resume, employment history and career direction.

Our long standing relationships with many Connecticut employers will be of great benefit to you. Because we work closely with a wide range of companies, from small start-ups to Fortune 500, we can find you the position that gives you the personal satisfaction and growth potential you are seeking. Whether you are looking for a permanent or contract position, count on us at Wilbur Staffing to find the best fit for you.


Our goal is to guide you toward the right job and give you every advantage to help you land the job you want. We take the work out of getting hired so you can concentrate on your career. All contact with Wilbur Staffing is confidential. We will not send out your resume without your approval.Our pre-interview counseling gives you the advantage of being well-informed about the company, the position requirements and the interviewers themselves. We will work with you to ensure you feel confident, prepared and ready to present yourself in the best possible light.

We’ll present you to the potential employer with a complete technical career profile. Then we’ll coordinate the best time for you to meet. Following your interview, we’ll discuss the outcome with you and coordinate the next steps. Once a decision has been reached, we’ll work closely with you on what is often the most difficult part of the process, salary and benefits. With our years of experience, we are quite adept at working through the negotiations between you and the potential employer to finalize compensation and other related items.